Absolute Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Java
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Prerequisite to "Master Object Oriented Design in Java".
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Prerequisite to "Master Object Oriented Design in Java".
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Basics of a Java Program
Class and Object
This course is designed to be slow-paced, simple and rich in demystifying the question: What really is an object in computer programming? These few lectures serve as a crucial foundation for OOP (Object Oriented Programming).
If you've ever written a java class before and ran the program in eclipse but didn't quite understand what's going on behind the scenes, this course is for you. By the end of these videos, you will understand the difference between a class, and an object. You'll know how objects are constructed and what exactly happens when the program is run. We'll also go over important OOP techniques such as inheritance and polymorphism.
By the end of this course you'll be ready to work with multiple classes in java and be prepared to take the more challenging and top ranked course: Master Object Oriented Design in Java - HW + Solutions
Imtiaz is an award winning Udemy instructor who is highly experienced in big data technologies and enterprise software architectures. Imtiaz has spent a considerable amount of time building financial software on Wall St. and worked with companies like S&P, Goldman Sachs, AOL and JP Morgan along with helping various startups solve mission critical software problems. In his 13+ years of experience, Imtiaz has also taught software development in programming languages like Java, C++, Python, PL/SQL, Ruby and Javascript. He's the founder of Job Ready Programmer - an online programming school that prepares students of all backgrounds to become professional job-ready software developers through real-world programming courses