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Vmoto Soco | E-max VS1 - A strong, robust and faithful companion. Perfect for delivery service

Light, nimble, and with zero emissions 😎 Discover sustainable, smart and environment friendly bikes. Perfect for modern commuters and travelers. The VS1 is a strong, robust and faithful companion. Born as a commuting vehicle, it has extreme practical features, clean lines, and a modern style. Efficiency is paramount: in front, a large 70 liter “basket” useful for transporting bulky objects up to 30 kg; behind, a very sturdy luggage rack, easily passing reliability tests of 1 million strong vibrations. There is also a large drawer with a capacity of 2 liters, bringing the total load capacity to 150 kg (excluding the rider). With a power of 4,000 Watts, VS1 can overcome climbs of 15°, matching performances of a gas-powered 125. Maximum speed is 80 km/h with a powerful peak of 171 Nm, smoothly delivered like only an electric motor can. Autonomy is not a problem, learn more at https://en.vmotosoco.com. l

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