Category: Kits compatible with Arduino
The Advance kit for Arduino Mega also known as Most Complete Starter Kit MEGA 2560 PROJECT as it includes various sensors, electronic components, modules and Stepper Motors for complex, advance learning and prototyping. All components and Module enclosed in High-Quality plastic box with a widget for each sensor to keep them organised for repetitive use.
Whether you are a beginner or already have experience with Arduino under your belt, This Arduino beginners kit by ROBU.IN will be a fun way to expand your knowledge.
This kit includes everything you need to get started with electronics using an Arduino and a lot of things that will take you from a beginner to an enthusiast. It includes all of the basics: a MEGA board, breadboard, cables, LEDs, resistors, and pushbutton switches.
Additionally, the Kit comes with a CD containing a manual for creating different types of experiments listed below with proper documentation.
1 x Advance kit for Arduino Mega
Kit Includes:
25pcs LED ( white,yellow,blue,red,green)
1pcs RGB LED
10pcs Ceramic Capacitor(22pf & 104pf)
2pcs Photoresistor
1pcs Thermistor
5pcs Diode Rectifier (1N4007)
4pcs Electrolytic Capacitor (10UF 50V & 100UF 50V)
10pcs NPN Transistor (PN2222 & S8050 )
1pcs Tilt Switch
5pcs Button (small)
1pcs 1 digit 7-segment Display
1pcs 4 digit 7-segment Display
1pcs Sound Sensor Module
1pcs LCD1602 Blue Backlight with Soldering
1pcs IC L293D
1pcs IC 74HC595
1pcs Active Buzzer
1pcs Passive Buzzer
1pcs RTC Module
1pcs DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module
2pcs Potentiometer
1pcs Rotary Encoder Module
1pcs Joystick Module
1pcs Keypad Module
1pcs 5V Relay
1pcs IR Receiver Module
1pcs MEGA2560 Controller Board
1pcs Breadboard
1pcs Servo Motor (SG90)
1pcs Stepper Motor
1pcs ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
1pcs Prototype Expansion
1pcs Power Supply Module WARNING: Pls. do not use the voltage higher than 9V
1pcs HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor
1pcs Ultrasonic Sensor
1pcs GY-521 Module ( with pin header)
1pcs 3V Servo Motor
1pcs MAX7219 Module
1pcs Remote
1pcs 9V 1A Power Supply
1pcs 65 Jumper Wire
1pcs Water Lever Sensor
1pcs USB Cable
1pcs 9V Battery connector with DC jack
1pcs RC522 RFID Module
120pcs Resistor (10R/100R/220R/330R/1K/2K/5K1/10K/100K/1M)
20pcs Female-to-male Dupont Wire
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